Skout G2 Instructions

1. Place the Skout around your chest
and over one shoulder - not over
your head. Use all three straps to
adjust it to your body, ensuring it
feels snug and comfortable.

2. Now, attach the hub to your camera.
Be sure to align the arrows on the hub
in the same direction as the lens,
facing towards the front and back of
your camera.

3. Secure the camera tether by looping
it around your camera’s eyelet.

4. Hold your camera so that the
lens is facing to the side (parallel
with the ground), and place it into
the harness receiver.

5. Then, turn the lens 90 degrees so
that it faces the ground. Your camera
is now securely held in place thanks
to our patented Twist & Lock system.

6.Use the velcro strap provided to
attach the binocular bracket to your
lens. [Secure the tether to the Skout’s

7. Your Skout comes with a
self-contained [waterproof]
weather protector.

8. Find additional accessories online
like our brand NEW Flytdeck Drone
Controller Bracket.