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SlingBelt Features
The system all starts with the SlingBelt. This ergonomically designed Belt sits comfortably and distributes the weight of your gear to your hips. Say goodbye to upper body fatigue and eliminate a sore neck and shoulders.

Included in package
(1) SlingBelt System
(1) Sling Tether
(1) Weather Cover
(1) Mounting Hardware

Over 1200% funded
After our first huge success on Kickstarter we gave it another shot with our latest design, The SlingBelt & Lens Bucket system. It was a hit. With 1200% funding and over $150,000 raised over 40 days, we are thrill to have our Slingbelt System as a feature product in our collection.larger lens via the lens foot on your lens to assure maximum comfort. The harness also fits comfortably under a backpack.

Cotton Carrier original, flat, virtually indestructible, friction-free, hard-anodized aluminum hub. Secured with a slotted hole to allow for slight adjustment to avoid blocking the battery door. A threaded hole on the hub allows you to still use your tripod with our system.

Weather Cover
The G3 Weather Cover is designed for the elements. This self containing bag is weather proof protecting against dust and water. There is 10 inches of clearance inside. Complete with a clip to attach to.
Our updated design also features
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I use the tripod or quick release?
The hardware has a tripod holed milled into it for tripod use. If you use quick release we recommend the Universal Tripod Adapter Plate or Universal Arca Swiss L-Bracket.
Women's sizing
The harness system is one size fits all with 6 points of adjustment. We get lots of positive feedback from woman photographers.
Sizing for larger or smaller individuals
The systems are one size fits all, spanning 26" to 57" inch waist measurements.
Return Policy
3 week no questions asked returns and 3 year technical warranty.
Does the system work for large telephotos like a 600mm?
The carrier will not fail under the weight of your camera/lens setup. A 600mm will place your weight forward and for some, it becomes a bit awkward. The system will not fail, but it becomes a subjective matter of comfort.
Can I add another camera or binocular holster after?
Yes, we offer a modular side holster with camera or binocular hardware. Or the individual hardware for camera or binoculars can be purchased independently.
Can I put my camera into the binocular carrier's receiver? Or vice versa?
All hardware uses the same twist and lock system, so you can place your camera or binoculars interchangeably in any receiver.